Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And my final thoughts on African "hairitage"!

Ok, confession time ladies.

Hands up if you’ve ever had a weave. I know you can’t see me but trust me I’m waving my arms frantically right about now!

The thing about weaves is this: everybody knows it’s not your hair so my question is - why do we still do it to ourselves?! As a friend of mine responded, “I bought it, so when I’m asked if it’s my hair, the answer is hell yes!”

Seriously, I have yet to meet a male who likes them and as much as we do these things for ourselves, let’s face it – most of us like a bit (or a lot, depending on who you are) of male attention!

Weaves remind me of that old nursery rhyme by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I can’t remember the whole thing but the line I’m talking about is

“when she was good she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!”

That has to sum up weaves for me – when they’re done well they are stunning, but when they’re done badly........... SMH!

I feel a Fashion Police moment coming on and want to post pics of bad and good weaves but I’ll resist the temptation. Suffice it to say I am eternally grateful to the designers of lace front wigs and micro weaving and would really like to ban synthetic if it were in my power!

I’m not going to go into the ins and outs of what you should do and how but please, for all our sakes follow this chick on Twitter and she’ll sort you out!

What I really find interesting is why we all love weaves so much in the first place -the whole psychology of “good hair”. Go watch the Chris Rock movie if you haven’t already. Nuff said!

I know I should embrace my ethnicity and love who I am.......but sometimes I want to be able to toss my locks and have my hair blow in the wind dammit!

I’ve decided to give up on the weave for now and am back to the tried and tested chemical violation of my hair also known as perming.

I must admit, of all the hair we’ve talked about, I know this style suits me best but dang, it’s hard work! I’m pretty sure my stylist will soon be buying a brand new Range Rover Sport straight from the showroom based on my payments alone. Between the treatments, the colour, the blow drying, the flat ironing, the wrap setting, the tonging and all the rest it’s actually surprising I have any hair left!

But what to do - I love the look!

So what look are you sporting at the moment?

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