Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How do you like it?

And I’m talking about your fashion here!!!

Do you like clean lines, plain fabric, bold prints, minimalist looks, skyscraper heels, oversized accessories.....what works for you?

Which leads me to my next question.............
.........................does it really work for you?!

I absolutely love elaborate geles, huge handbags and bold statement jewellery. The only problem is, at 5ft 2in – I end up looking like a little girl playing dress up in her mummy’s clothes!
Over the years I’ve learnt to work with what I have and just incorporate certain elements that might not be so flattering.

Anybody want to share their fashion loves and faux pas with me?

Starting with the basics for getting it right – the fabric.
Choose fabrics that work with you and your lifestyle. The main fabrics used for African clothing are cotton, rayon and silk. Let’s face it, spending the afternoon with a three year old wearing silk is just asking for trouble!
If you want mileage out of a particular item of clothing, then go for the cotton and rayon. Save the silk for special occasions.

Next on my list – the print.     
Oh, where to start?! This has the potential to be a wondrous or a disastrous thing! The one thing not lacking when it comes to African fabric is print choices. Just think Vlisco! As much as they are Dutch wax prints – they symbolise a lot of what African clothing means.
Keep it simple, choose a print that doesn’t shout you down or drown you out. You should wear the clothes, not the other way round.

Now that we’re working with the right fabric and pattern for us.....find the right style. Not all things look good on all people. As I’ve found out numerous times, some things just weren’t meant to be!
Unfortunately we’re not always honest with ourselves and sometimes our desire to have something clouds our better judgement (and if my best friend is reading this then yes, I’m talking about those 6in heels hiding at the back of your closet!)

My suggestion: where possible, never go shopping alone! Better still – shop from the comfort of home (or your iPad, or BlackBerry!) Pick out what you like and ask a good friend for her opinion. That’s what friends are for right?!

Remember, ultimately your clothes are an expression of who you are!

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