Sunday, March 27, 2011

Which Afrodelicious Diva are you?

I know, I know, my last post inspired you to go out and get all Afrolicious (and if you can’t figure out what I mean by that then stop reading right now!) So you rushed out, bought everything you could that remotely whispered “African”, tried it all on and had a “How do I look?” moment.

The verdict was................a hot mess!!

Let’s face it, not everything looks good on everyone. So let’s break it down a bit.....what suits who?

Disclaimer time: I am not a fashion expert – I am just an opinionated female who spends a lot of time dissing people who just aren’t dressed right!

Also, if you’re looking for a detailed step-by-step “how to look fabulous in African fashion” then unfortunately, I can’t help you.

Firstly – body shapes. You’ve heard them all....pear, apple, hourglass, ruler (skittle, vase, cornet, lollipop, column, bell, goblet, cello, brick too according to Trinny and Susannah). I hate to say this because I know it’ll piss off a whole lot of people but.....who cares?!!

Fashion Sista’s suggestion no.1: forget body shape, just love the skin you’re in! We come in all shapes and sizes and fabulous is all about how you feel, not what shape you are! Rules are for school, who wants to be a grown woman and be told they’re a brick or an apple? I mean really, how’s that going to make me feel good about myself?!

So now that we’ve thrown that theory out of the window....

Fashion Sista’s suggestion no.2: dress for your personality! Radical thought, isn’t it? But think about it, if you’re a loud, proud kind of gal, then why not dress that way? Go for those bold prints, loud colours and huge statement pieces. You have the guts to carry it off (plus the chutzpah to tell off anybody who says otherwise!)

If you’re a more reserved type of sista (what do you mean ‘do they exist’?!) then pick out clothes and accessories that speak to your sense of style. They are out there......they might be harder to find, but if you know where to look you’ll find them.

Check in with me soon to find out more about getting your Afrolicious on.


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